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Orlando Car Accident Lawyer

Orlando Car Accident Lawyer

Being in a motor vehicle crash can change your life in an instant. If you were in a car accident in the Orlando area, it is important to get immediate medical attention and take steps to protect your rights and recover damages.

Seeking compensation following a car crash be a time-consuming and difficult process, which is why our Orlando car accident attorneys are here to help you. Here at Zimmet & Zimmet, our knowledgeable personal injury lawyers have over 40 years of experience in representing clients in various types of motor vehicle accidents:

If you sustained an injury in a vehicle crash, contact our attorneys at Zimmet & Zimmet to receive a free consultation about your case. Our lawyers will handle all the legal paperwork and intricate details of your case, allowing you to focus on getting back on your feet.

5 Legal Steps to Take After a Car Accident in Orlando

If you were involved in a motor vehicle accident, it is important to take the following steps to preserve your legal rights:

  1. Contact a lawyer to investigate the crash.

    In most crashes, the other party’s fault is not immediately clear without conducting a comprehensive investigation. That is why you need to contact a car accident attorney in the Orlando area to determine fault in your crash and gather evidence to prove the other party’s negligence.

  2. File a car accident claim.

    Without this step, you will be unable to seek compensation for your injury and damages. When it comes to filing a claim following an auto accident, you need to understand whose fault contributed to the accident. Keep in mind that you must file a claim in a timely manner. Otherwise, you may lose your right to recover any sort of compensation.

  3. Establish and prove damages.

    Under the Florida Statutes Section 768.81, one of the requirements of filing a car accident claim is to establish that the victim suffered economic and/or non-economic damages because the at-fault party breached their duty of care. For this step, you will need to establish a link between the defendant’s negligence and your damages and prove the full extent of your losses to seek compensation.

  4. Negotiate a fair settlement offer.

    Often, insurance companies deny valid car accident claims or pay victims as little as possible. In many cases, the injured party accepts the offer simply because they desperately need at least any amount of money to cover their initial expenses and losses. However, settling for less than what you deserve is never a wise decision. Once you accept the settlement offer, your claim is closed. Your lawyer will help you understand how much your claim is worth and negotiate a fair settlement offer.

  5. File a lawsuit.

    When an insurance company is reluctant to settle a claim for an adequate amount, filing a lawsuit might be the only option to seek fair compensation. However, the vast majority of personal injury claims are settled before they proceed to trial.

RELATED: Evidence to Collect After an Accident

What Are the Most Common Car Accident Injuries in Orlando?

The vast majority of car accidents in Orlando are caused by negligence. Under Florida law, all motorists have a legal duty to exercise due care when operating a motor vehicle. When the duty is breached, the driver is held liable for the resulting injuries and damages.

Have you been injured in an accident or fall? Do You have question and want to know your legal options.
Call 386-255-6400  for a free consultation and remember there is NO FEE unless WE Win.

If you were in a car crash, you might be facing injuries ranging from minor bruises that heal within days to life-altering injuries that have a long-lasting impact on your life. The most common types of car accident injuries are:

  • Whiplash
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
  • Neck injuries
  • Paralysis
  • Back injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Loss of limb
  • Burn injuries
  • Lacerations
  • Scrapes and cuts
  • Scarring
  • Soft-tissue injuries
  • Foot, ankle, and knee injuries
  • Shoulder, hand, and wrist injuries
  • Disfigurement
  • Internal bleeding

Even if your injury seems minor or insignificant following a car crash, it is critical to seek medical attention right away. After an auto accident, your body generates adrenaline and endorphins, which can delay pain from an injury or mask the symptoms.

How Long Do You Have to File a Car Accident Claim in Florida?

Under the Florida Statutes Section 95.11, the statute of limitations for car accident claims is four years if the victim was injured or two years if the victim died and the surviving family members are pursuing a wrongful death claim.

However, if you are bringing a claim against a government entity, you must give advance notice of your intention to file a lawsuit at least six months before the filing. While four years might seem like a significant amount of time, you need to understand that valuable pieces of evidence will only be available for a short period of time. That is why you should not wait long to initiate the claims process.

Do You Need an Orlando Car Accident Lawyer?

Many people who have just been in an auto accident wonder, “Do I need to hire a lawyer?” While there is no legal obligation to contact or hire a car accident lawyer, doing so can significantly improve your chances of recovering the maximum compensation.

You need to speak with our Orlando car accident lawyer at Zimmet & Zimmet because we will:

  1. Answer all of your questions during a free consultation;
  2. Review your medical records and investigate your car crash to determine how much your claim is worth;
  3. Handle all communications with the insurance company to make sure that you receive the compensation you deserve;
  4. Prepare all the legal paperwork to strengthen your claim;
  5. Negotiate a fair settlement offer that reflects the severity of your injury and the full extent of damages and losses;
  6. Represent your interests in and outside of the courtroom; and
  7. Provide you with a sense of comfort and confidence throughout the claims process.

And the best part is this: you pay nothing unless we obtain a financial recovery for you. Schedule a free case review with our car accident attorneys at Zimmet & Zimmet by calling at 386-210-3702 or completing our contact form.

Have you been injured in an accident or fall? Do You have question and want to know your legal options.
Call 386-255-6400  for a free consultation and remember there is NO FEE unless WE Win.

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Ronald Zimmet Jr.
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