Deltona Car Accident Lawyer

Deltona Car Accident Lawyer

If you’ve ever been in a car accident, then you know that it can be a terrifying experience. Even if you’re not injured, the shock of the collision can be enough to leave you shaken up for hours or even days. If you’ve been in a serious accident, then the memories of the crash may stay with you for a lifetime.

With this, finding one of the best Deltona car accident lawyers can be the key to getting the compensation that you deserve. With so many lawyers advertising their services, it can be hard to know who to trust.

At Zimmet & Zimmet Lawyers, we are committed to providing quality legal representation to our clients. We have years of experience helping accident victims get the compensation they need for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Contact us today for a free consultation!

Common Causes of Car Accidents in Deltona

Here are some of the most common causes of car accidents in Deltona:

Distracted Driving

The most common cause of car accidents in Deltona is distracted driving. Whether it is caused by the radio, electronics such as mobile phones and GPS devices, or even reaching for a drink, this can take our attention off the road and lead to serious injuries. Other distractions include map reading, personal grooming, pets, and more.

Have you been injured in an accident or fall? Do You have question and want to know your legal options. Call 386-255-6400 for a free consultation and remember there is NO FEE unless WE Win.


According to the National Highway Traffic Administration, a car traveling at 30 miles per hour will need 10 meters to come to a stop. Traveling at 45 mph doubles that stopping distance and takes the total stopping distance to 156 feet.

This is why speeding puts you and your family in danger if you are involved in an accident because it essentially makes your vehicle several times more likely than they otherwise would be to be involved in a collision or rollover.

Drunk Driving

Drunk driving fatalities still account for nearly one-third of all deaths from motor vehicle accidents. In Florida, some law enforcement agencies have begun using “saturation patrols” on major holidays and will arrest any driver they suspect to be under the influence.

Failure to Wear Seat Belts

Not wearing a seat belt increases your chances of dying in an accident by 50 percent. Even if you are lucky enough to walk away from an accident with only minor injuries, consider this: An unbelted person has a 30 percent greater chance of hitting someone else during a car crash because that person is not held in place by the seat belt.

Animal Crashes

Beyond the two million injuries that occur in traffic accidents each year, about 200 fatalities annually involve deer and other wildlife. If you live in Deltona, be especially careful when driving around dawn and dusk because this is known as the time of day with the most animal crashes.

When Should You Pursue a Deltona Car Accident Lawsuit?

There are many reasons to decide to file a personal injury claim after being involved in an automobile collision. Perhaps your injuries are not serious enough for you to take time away from work or school, but you still suffered damages that required medical care and cost you money.

If these expenses were substantial enough, then it is possible to pursue compensation through legal means. The following can serve as motivation for any person who decides to bring forth a civil action against the negligent party:

Receiving Financial Compensation

Car accident lawsuits consist of common law claims which allow individuals to receive monetary rewards for their losses. Suppose someone else’s negligence caused your injuries. In that case, you should be able to recover compensation for things such as medical bills and hospital costs, damaged property, and lost wages associated with missing work.

Receiving an Apology

A sincere apology can go a long way in helping the victim recover from any emotional distress that they experienced during the accident. Filing a car accident lawsuit allows you to have legal documentation which both acknowledges your pain and explains exactly what happened on the road.

Receiving Public Recognition

It does not happen very often, but sometimes victims of car accidents will receive public recognition for their bravery if they decide to file a personal injury claim against a negligent party.

Making Sure The Defendant Cannot Commit a Similar Crime

Seeking compensation through the court system also allows individuals to ensure that negligent drivers cannot hurt anyone else as long as they are on the road. If a defendant is aware of the possible outcomes of their actions, then they may take responsibility and either assist those injured by his or her carelessness or remain at the scene until medical professionals arrive.

Why Work With Deltona Car Accident Lawyers From Zimmet & Zimmet?

In the modern 24-hour news cycle, it’s not uncommon to see a new story about a deadly car accident on the local evening news. Although most of these accidents don’t involve anyone from our hometown, an accident that injures or kills someone from our community can significantly affect us all.

If you’ve been injured in a collision involving a drunk driver, reckless teenager who doesn’t have a driving permit or license, or another unsafe driver, it may be time to speak with experienced Deltona car accident lawyers from Zimmet & Zimmet.

The attorneys at Zimmet & Zimmet have years of experience providing aggressive representation and compassionate counsel for car accident victims throughout Deland. When you work with the Deltona car accident lawyers from Zimmet & Zimmet, you can expect high-quality service at an affordable price. Our fees are completely contingent on your case’s outcome, so there’s never any risk to work with our firm.

We also offer a free consultation where we’ll help you understand your rights and options, as well as offer advice about how to proceed with your case. We’re here to help you fight for compensation. If a loved one has been killed in a crash, we’re also available to help their family understand what legal options are available to them.

Don’t wait until tomorrow to call us — let us help you now. Call 386-255-6400 or contact us through our website today

Have you been injured in an accident or fall? Do You have question and want to know your legal options. Call 386-255-6400 for a free consultation and remember there is NO FEE unless WE Win.