Car accidents happen on Florida roadways every day. In fact, Florida roadways are ranked the third most dangerous in the U.S. With so many accidents occurring on Florida roadways, it may not be a case of “if” an accident happens but “when.” If you are involved in an accident and want to recover compensation for your damages…

All licensed drivers in Florida must purchase a Personal Injury Protection (PIP) car insurance policy. After an accident, injured drivers turn to their PIP policy first before pursuing compensation elsewhere. This is based on Florida’s no-fault auto insurance laws. Your PIP policy covers up to 80% of your medical costs and 60% of lost wages, with…

If you are involved in a car accident, you will have to deal with the aftermath which often includes painful injuries, significant damages to your vehicle and other property, and the costs of replacement, rentals, and lost wages. Medical costs and lost wages will add up quickly, especially if you can’t return to work. This can…

Recovering from the injuries you sustained in a Florida car accident can be a long and painful process. While you may be focused on your recovery, you have other things to consider, such as the damages you incurred and the financial impact of the accident. Understanding how your car accident value is determined is a…

Motorcyclists in Florida make up just three percent of all registered vehicles. They account for under one percent of vehicle miles traveled on roads in the Sunshine State, and in the past five years, just two percent of accidents involved a motorcycle. While the statistics may seem promising, the issue is that motorcycle fatalities account for…

Many personal injury accidents in Florida involve victims suffering burn injuries. At the very least, these injuries cause irritation, swelling, redness, and blisters. However, they are often much more severe, causing damage to the muscles, bones, and skin. Sometimes, they can cause permanent disfigurement and scarring. If you have experienced a burn injury because of someone else’s…

If you are involved in an accident in Florida, you must show your injury is permanent to receive compensation for pain and suffering. If you break your leg, it is usually easier to prove there is a permanent injury than if you suffered a soft tissue injury. That’s because most juries will believe that fractures…

Serious car accidents occur across the country every day. While there are several causes of these, one of the most common is speeding. Federal and state transportation departments are constantly conducting studies and researching the causes of traffic accidents. Knowing why they occur will help put measures in place to prevent these accidents and help…

Car accident attorneys at Zimmet & Zimmet have provided legal services for victims of car accidents caused by speeding for several decades. Unfortunately, speeding-related car accidents are still prevalent in the state, leading to thousands of fatalities and even more injuries every year. We understand Florida speeding laws and can work to help you recover the compensation…

Slip and fall accidents are common occurrence, but they can be very dangerous. Many people don’t realize the seriousness of these accidents, which is why it’s important to know the risks involved. In this blog post, we’ll discuss why slip and fall accidents can be so dangerous and what you can do to stay safe….