Is It Illegal to Ride in the Back of a Pickup Truck in Florida?

Is Riding in the Back of a Pickup Truck Illegal_zimmet_blog

A 15-year-old boy was killed after he fell out of the back of a pickup truck on the Clyde B. Wells bridge in Florida. The young Alabama teen was riding in the bed of the truck traveling southbound on U.S. 331 when he fell out onto the road and was hit by another vehicle. This tragic accident is a somber reminder that riding in the back of the pickup truck is extremely dangerous. In fact, according to the Children’s Safety Network, approximately 50 people under the age of 21 are killed while riding in the back of pickup trucks every single year. Sadly, more than half of truck bed accident deaths are children and teens.

Is Riding in the Back of a Pickup Truck Illegal?

While riding in the back of a pickup truck certainly is dangerous, is it illegal? Florida has some legislation when it comes to riding in the back of a pickup truck. According to Florida law, it is illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to ride in the bed of a pickup truck unless they are restrained in a seat. However, children can ride in the bed of a pickup truck if they are accompanied by an adult in an emergency situation. Adults may ride in the back of a pickup truck as long as they don’t hang out of the vehicle. Violations will result in a citation for a non-moving violation.

What Happens if You Are Injured in an Accident?

If you are injured in an accident in Florida while riding in the back of a pickup truck, you may still be eligible to collect compensation for your injuries. Florida is a comparative negligence state. This means that even if you are considered partly to blame for the accident, you can still collect compensation. The court will reduce your financial settlement by your percentage of fault.

For example, if you were riding in the back of a pickup truck and you were injured in an accident, the court may determine that you were 30% to blame for their injuries. If you were awarded $10,000 in damages after the accident, you would only be allowed to collect $7,000 from the defendant or their insurance company.

Having an experienced and skilled truck accident lawyer on your side after an accident is critical to being able to collect the money you need to recover. Your lawyer can prevent insurance adjusters from pinning too much of the blame on you for your injuries.

Contact Our Daytona Beach Truck Accident Lawyers Today

If you’ve been injured in a car, truck, or pedestrian accident in Daytona Beach, Florida, the steps you take immediately after your crash could have a significant impact on your ability to collect the compensation you need. At Zimmet & Zimmet, our experienced Daytona Beach truck accident lawyers have extensive experience representing injured accident victims and their families. Even if you believe that you are partly to blame for the accident, we can help you collect the money you need. Without an attorney on your side, however, you may not obtain enough to pay all of your expenses, bills, and lost wages. Contact us today for a free initial consultation and review of your case. Call (386) 255-6400 or fill out our confidential contact form, and let us help you through this difficult time.

Additional Reading

Have you been injured in an accident or fall? Do You have question and want to know your legal options. Call 386-255-6400 for a free consultation and remember there is NO FEE unless WE Win.

Author: Zimmet & Zimmet

For over five decades, we at Zimmet & Zimmet have been helping to rebuild the lives of victims in and around Central Florida. Our Daytona Beach personal injury lawyers provide legal help, advice, and guidance for individuals and families as they go through some of the most challenging times in their lives.