Archives: FAQs

Since 1997, yes. That is the year the Florida Supreme Court ruled that although parents can not sue for the child’s death under the Wrongful Death Statute because a fetus does not qualify as a “person” under Florida’s Wrongful Death Act, parents of a stillborn child can sue for emotional damages from the baby’s death…

Not initially. In most instances, you must first file a claim with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). If the inoculation that caused your child’s injury is not on the list of vaccines covered by the VICP, then you may immediately sue the vaccine manufacturer. If the vaccine is covered by the VICP, then…

Recent medical developments have found that CT scans are overused on children with head injuries. For children with non-severe head injuries, the risk that they will develop brain cancer from the CT radiation exposure is greater than their risk of serious brain trauma. New guidelines indicate when a child with head trauma should receive a…

Maybe. If Florida’s NICA plan covers your case, you cannot file a negligence claim against a doctor or other medical provider. Florida law now says that NICA covers injuries sustained in the “immediate postdelivery period in a hospital.” The question is how many hours, minutes or days after delivery is considered the “immediate postdelivery period?”…

No. That standard is used only in criminal cases. We will help you prove who by a “preponderance of the evidence” who shook the baby in shaken baby syndrome cases. In more understandable terms, a preponderance of the evidence means that it is more likely than not that the defendant is the person who shook…

Most likely, but it depends. We have received this question frequently lately as a result of news stories on the topic. One Florida man was charged with felony child neglect for leaving his 5-year-old son in a locked vehicle with the windows rolled up in 90 degree weather for about an hour while he shopped…

Past data indicates that school buses are up to 12 times safer than cars, trucks, and motorcycles for children traveling to school. Traveling to school in any type of vehicle other than a school bus puts students at a greater risk for traffic injuries of fatalities. Recent statistics support that past data. In the 2007-2008…

Florida’s Department of Health provides a valuable service in allowing public access to its physician database. There you can see all the most important criteria you need to know when choosing a doctor. Simply go to the Department of Health’s Division of Medical Quality Assurance. There you can search by doctor name, profession or license…

Not initially. You will most likely have to file a claim with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) first. If the vaccine that caused your child’s injury is not on the list of vaccines covered by the VICP, then you may immediately sue the vaccine manufacturer. If the vaccine is on the VICP list,…

Suing a school district isn’t an easy process, but it’s possible and you need an experienced attorney by your side. It’s the best to contact us and discuss details over the phone or in person.