Because motorcycles lack the same protection that one enjoys in a vehicle, injuries from a crash can be severe. Therefore, it may take quite some time – several months or even years – to resolve your case. For instance, it will take 5-8 months to settle a motorcycle accident claim, especially if your injuries are not severe and the liable party has been identified. On the contrary, it might take years to wrap everything up if you choose to take your case to trial. After all, litigation is quite a long process.
It is always a good idea not to rush things after a motorcycle accident. The reason behind this is pretty simple. Settling your claim too early could deny you a chance to recover full compensation. For example, if a medical procedure does not go as planned, the doctor may require you to undergo further treatment. These additional complications should not come after your case has been resolved.
While it’s important not to rush things, bear in mind that there’s a limit to how long you can wait before settling your claim. The statute of limitations in Florida requires that you file a personal injury lawsuit in court within four years from the motorcycle crash date. If your case involves wrongful death (95.11(4)(d)), you need to act within two years. After this period, it may become difficult to get the compensation you deserve.