Category: Motorcycle Accidents
Daytona Beach is gearing up to host Daytona Bike Week 2025 from Feb. 28 through March 9. Now in its 84th year, Bike Week is one of the world’s largest motorcycle rallies, drawing between 300,000 to 400,000 visitors to the area each year. The influx of people in a town of just 73,000 people increases…
The “World’s Largest Motorcycle Event,” Daytona Bike Week, is upon us. This 10-day festival, from March 1st to March 10th, is anticipated by bikers in Daytona Beach and around the country. After all, what is more appealing than thousands of bikers gathered to enjoy the culture and community in Florida’s beautiful spring weather? While Bike Week…
The annual Biketoberfest® is back with a bang in Daytona Beach! Celebrating a lifestyle as free as the open road, this event offers something for every motorcycle enthusiast. But what happens when the thrill of the ride meets the reality of road safety? At Zimmet & Zimmet, we’re not just passionate about the law but…
Are you planning to purchase and ride a motorcycle in Florida? If so, it is important to learn about Florida’s laws. One of the first things you may wonder is if you must purchase motorcycle insurance for your motorcycle (which is required in many other states). While insurance is not required for motorcycle riders in…
Motorcyclists in Florida make up just three percent of all registered vehicles. They account for under one percent of vehicle miles traveled on roads in the Sunshine State, and in the past five years, just two percent of accidents involved a motorcycle. While the statistics may seem promising, the issue is that motorcycle fatalities account for…
Motorcycle accident attorneys from Zimmet & Zimmet understand how challenging it can be to overcome the injuries and bills associated with a motorcycle accident. However, if another driver’s fault or negligence caused the incident, you may be able to recover compensation. The fact is motorcycles are a common sight on Daytona Beach roadways. While Bike Week…
In a year-by-year review of motorcycle fatalities in Florida by Ride Smart Florida, the data shows that motorcycle fatalities in the state have risen by 3% since 2017. The data published by the organization showed that the state of Florida reported 567 casualties involving motorcycle accidents in 2021, which is higher than 2017’s 552 motorcycle fatalities. Motorcycle accidents…
Although Florida provides ideal weather for motorcycle enthusiasts to head out for a joyride, motorcyclists are among the most vulnerable individuals on the roads. They lack the same protection features that vehicle occupants enjoy. With this acknowledgment, the state laws in Florida (§ 316.211) have made it mandatory for all motorcyclists to wear the necessary…
While not essentially more common than other types of traffic accidents, motorcycle crashes are associated with a high risk of severe injuries and fatalities. A recent report released by the federal government reveals that per mile traveled in 2019, there were about 35 times more fatalities from motorcycle accidents compared to those associated with car accidents. These…
Dealing with the physical and emotional injuries that can go along with a motorcycle accident is not easy. You may have to go through months of therapy to reduce pain. You could even remain bedridden for months. The best you can do is to file a claim to ensure you get compensated for the injuries…