3. What types of injuries are most common in car accidents?

A car accident can lead to a wide array of injuries. One of the most common types of car accident injuries is whiplash. This isn’t a medical term, but it is real, and it can be difficult to treat properly. In cases of whiplash, the muscles and tendons of your neck suffer injury. Collisions from the rear can cause the neck to move and flex at an unnatural angle and with great speed, which often results in injury. In some cases, you might need to use a neck brace, or even have massage therapy on your neck. Rest is also ideal for helping to heal from whiplash. Back injuries can occur in a car accident as well.

No matter what type of work you do daily, a back injury will affect your performance and your ability to do your job. It can also cause issues with your social life. Some of the common types of back injuries that you might face include sprains and strains. In addition, it’s possible to break the spine. Brain injuries can be most severe, resulting in coma and even death. While severe brain injuries might be easily identifiable after a car accident, other brain injuries might go unnoticed. A slight bump on the head in a car accident might not be enough to make you even think you need to see a doctor. However, such injuries can be deadly. You might have internal hemorrhaging, which can cause fatal swelling and pressure on the brain. Many other types of injuries can occur as well. Broken bones and nerve damage can occur. Lacerations, bruising, and more are common as well. You might also suffer from psychological issues that could cause stress through the rest of your life. If you’ve been in an accident, and someone else was at fault, get the advice of an attorney you trust. Not every attorney is the right one for your case. Learn a little about the attorney you are considering to ensure you’re making the right choice. Come discover the client-first promise at Zimmet & Zimmet.