Year: 2022

5 Tactics the Insurance Companies Use to Get You to Settle

Being involved in a Daytona Beach car accident is something that can impact and disrupt your life in many ways. Sometimes, injuries require ongoing medical care, and they can leave you unable to return to work. If the incident was caused by another party’s negligence, it’s possible to file a personal injury lawsuit to receive compensation. However, this process…

How Do Daytona Beach Injury Lawyers Get Paid?

If you are injured because of the negligence or fault of another party, you have the right to recover compensation by filing a personal injury lawsuit. You may think handling the legal process on your own is best since you won’t have to pay an attorney. However, there are a few problems with this thought…

What Are the Most Common Car Accident Deaths

According to information from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, around 90 people die every day on the roads in the U.S. What you may not realize is that not all fatal accidents involve more than one vehicle. There are multiple single vehicle accidents that result in fatalities, along with accidents involving two or more vehicles….

Walt Disney World Ride Accidents

When you plan a trip to Walt Disney World in Florida, you are likely counting down the days until you depart. The last thing you expect is to suffer a serious or life-changing injury during your visit. Unfortunately, being injured at Disney World is a real possibility. If you or someone in your family is…

Car Accidents Caused by Rain: Safety Tips & Statistics

Driving in Florida means you will encounter rain – this is a given. Unfortunately, rain can create unsafe driving conditions, including causing your vehicle to slide, drive uncontrollably, and result in poor visibility. This is only worse at night. What many people don’t realize is that driving in the rain results in more accidents than driving in…

construction accident victim

As the Dayton Beach area grows and expands, more and more construction sites pop up. There’s no question that these are a necessary part of today’s world. It doesn’t matter if a new road is being installed or a new business or home is being built, there are countless projects going on at any point…

9 Things You Can Do To Improve a Personal Injury Case

When filing a personal injury case, your mind is probably going straight to the recoverable damages you will receive. While there’s nothing wrong with fixing your eyes on the goal, it’s crucial to focus on what you need to do to achieve it. In this setting, you need to strengthen your case to assure your compensation…

What Truck Safety Regulations Help You in Your Truck Accident Case?

There are specific regulations in place, set by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), that govern the trucking industry. If a trucking company or truck driver happens to violate one of the regulations in place and an accident results from it, then your truck accident lawyer may be able to leverage this violation to…

What To Do After a Daytona Beach Motorcycle Accident

In a year-by-year review of motorcycle fatalities in Florida by Ride Smart Florida, the data shows that motorcycle fatalities in the state have risen by 3% since 2017. The data published by the organization showed that the state of Florida reported 567 casualties involving motorcycle accidents in 2021, which is higher than 2017’s 552 motorcycle fatalities. Motorcycle accidents…

How Can a Settlement Help Someone with a Spinal Cord Injury?

In some situations, after being involved in an accident and suffering a spinal cord injury, it’s necessary for the victim to file a lawsuit. This lawsuit’s purpose is to help them secure a fair amount of compensation for their losses. Unfortunately, the process of filing a lawsuit can be lengthy, and it may take several…