Year: 2020

wrongful death claim florida

The loss of a loved one can send your mind reeling in different directions once. Sure, the idea of pursuing a wrongful death claim is likely to be far from your priorities. Unfortunately, you may have a pressing time limit once you decide to seek monetary compensation. There are also other important issues related to this claim…

Critical Mistakes that Might Derail your Florida Personal Injury Claim

No warning, just a loud bang! The rest is all aftermath. The pain, shock, and confusion are the earliest sensations after an auto accident. Whether your injuries are caused by a car, motorcycle, or truck, the post-realization that you have sustained injuries is traumatic. The law allows accident victims to pursue a personal injury claim….

Steps to Take after Sustaining Burn Injuries in Florida

Burn injuries are extremely painful but very common. The CDC reports that more than a million Americans suffer from severe burn injuries each year. Half of these injuries require medical treatment, and more than 50,000 patients require hospitalization. You already know emergency medical treatment isn’t cheap.  In addition to excruciating pain associated with burn injuries,…

What to do if you’re Hit by an Uninsured Driver

Traffic accidents happen. If you get involved in a car accident, it can sometimes be a comfort to know that auto insurance coverage – yours and that of the other driver – will help pay for the medical expenses and other damages. In some cases, the other driver may not have sufficient or any car insurance….

Wearing a Seat Belt is Important

Of all the safety features that motor vehicles come with, safety belts are perhaps some of the most important. Unfortunately, many drivers and passengers often choose to ignore this safety element. What such people don’t know is that seat belts help reduce the chances of getting injured or even killed in a car accident by…

8 Things You Should Do After a Motorcycle Accident in Florida

Although Florida provides ideal weather for motorcycle enthusiasts to head out for a joyride, motorcyclists are among the most vulnerable individuals on the roads. They lack the same protection features that vehicle occupants enjoy. With this acknowledgment, the state laws in Florida (§ 316.211) have made it mandatory for all motorcyclists to wear the necessary…

Motorcycle accident attorneys in Daytona Beach answer common questions

While not essentially more common than other types of traffic accidents, motorcycle crashes are associated with a high risk of severe injuries and fatalities. A recent report released by the federal government reveals that per mile traveled in 2019, there were about 35 times more fatalities from motorcycle accidents compared to those associated with car accidents. These…

Reporting Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home residents have equal rights to all other Americans, and they deserve to age with dignity. Unfortunately, some of them fall victim to horrific acts of neglect and abuse. Some of these heinous acts go unreported due to embarrassment, fear, or because the nursing home resident is unable to communicate effectively. If you notice or…

Consultation with a Personal Injury Attorney

Have you been involved in an accident or suffered injuries due to someone’s negligence? It is time to schedule an initial consultation with an experienced personal injury lawyer. This is an important decision that you should make after you, or someone you know has been involved in an accident. Remember, it is your attorney’s responsibility to…

personal injury claim form

Florida’s Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicle estimates that 41% of traffic accidents result in one or more injuries for both drivers and passengers. Florida is a no-fault state. That means drivers should carry a mandatory personal injury protection insurance policy. That way, the driver can recover damages when they get involved in an accident. However, some…